Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Clicking our Red Shoes....

There's no place like home!!!

She made it through the night with out oxygen and we are going to be discharged today.  We could go home now, but are waiting to see a Pulminologist before we go or trying to get an appointment for tomorrow.

Last week when Aubrey got sick, we found out that our Pulminologist had up and moved his practice to another city or retired (reports are conflicting).  Scary for us and Aubrey since he KNEW her and her history.  So we are on the hunt for another and have a good lead, but if he can see her before we go home versus waiting to get a new patient appointment, that would be ideal and he can make maintenance recommendations before sending her home.

So we are waiting to hear if we are leaving soon or staying all day til he can come see her after office hours....either way, we are heading home today:)  Happy Day!

1 comment:

  1. That is great news. Have fun seeing your sisters Aubrey.


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