Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Milestones seem to be around every corner...she hits some and misses others only to come back and surprise us when we least expect her too.  Aubrey seems to be following a path of "size".  She does thing when she reaches the right "size" and not the "right" age.  Since she is the "size" of a 9 month old, she is doing those things.
1.  She is starting to pull up on everything!
2.  She is scooting around (could crawl, but chooses NOT too--I detect some stubborness:)
3.  She is getting teeth....5 of them now.  Two top MOLORS (one on each side) the two bottom front teeth and one bottom molor.
4.  She is using manners (not throwing her table wear) and has been granted the right to have her own plate and fork at every meal!
5.  She loves to be outside and like all little ones has learned to have a little tantrum when you don't take her with you or you come in before she is ready!
6.  She is communicating with us.  She is starting to actually use more of her signs but also seems to be saying something when we talk to her and screaming less.
7. Last week she started climbing the stairs, but just one and then sit down and we would have to coax her into going to the next one where she would sit again...but today:)  She did it.  She climbed all the way up all 12 stairs virtually without stopping!  We just love her and are so proud of her (as you can see from her proud big sister in the video above, who was there for safety so that I could capture the moment:)  Our buddy Noah taught her the ropes last weekend.  Noah, you can come visit Texas any time and teach Aubrey some new moves!


  1. Oh, Aubrey...please come and coach us in table etiquette. LC is still forced to shampoo after every meal!!

    You're getting SO very big! We're super proud of you, too!!!

  2. AMAZING!!! She has done so much in only the week since we've been there! SO impressed. And I absolutely love Alice's enthusiasm and cheerleading-very sweet. And I got a HUGE kick out of Ella when she walked past with her oh-so-Ella hair and outfit! : ) Can't wait to show the video to the kids in the morning. They'll love hearing their favorite Go Fish Guys as Aubrey's soundtrack!

  3. Way to go Aubrey!! Look at all the wonderful things you can do:) 12 steps....whoa!! I'm sure you are one proud mommy, Rachel (and rightfully, so!) We have a little something for you over at our blog, stop by when you have a chance!


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