Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Summer Fun
We have been so busy now that school is out and instead of sitting on the computer at night...we have been enjoying the pool. Watch our little waterbug jumping into the pool....oh and her sisters too!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Dear Aubrey,
We are so proud of you and your ability to use good manners at the table. Though sometimes I wish you didn't INSIST on having a fork and plate at each meal, I appreciate the fact that you try so hard to be a big girl.
I love your persistence with stabbing your food.
And your sheer determination to do matter how long dinner last sometimes...even if you are the first one at the table...and the last one want to do it yourself, and with the fork!It is so hard to find stabable food for you to eat for your entire meal, each meal, all day. I appreciate the fact that you let me spoon feed some things still and when things get too slimy or difficult, you will succumb to using your fingers now and then.
We love you Sweet Pea! Keep up the good work!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Shoes and Tubes
Another busy week here...
Monday we went for a check up on our orthotics. He said they look great and that the Robeez were a fine shoe. He just wants her in a shoe that prevents slipping. The orthotics provide all the support she needs. ( I have been all over town looking for SHOES for her and come up empty. The closest that I got was Robeez minis, but thought that the Robeez 1st Stepz might work too--Also Itzy Bitzy...which is what she was wearing in a ZERO...would likely work in a 2 or 3 and not be so heavy like real tennis shoes) It will be interesting to see our PT this week who had wanted her to be wearing real shoes by now.
Wednesday morning we were all to the dentist. He is impressed how much she loves brushing her teeth and she sat mostly patient in her stroller while the four of us had our cleanings. Ella told Aubrey that she needs to have more teeth to clean before she can sit in the moving chair and get a prize! I agree:)
In the afternoon, she had her follow up at the ENT. They were speechless over the fact that her ears were completely clear of fluid!!! They just couldn't believe it! So back to the booth for a good hearing test. I couldn't have been more excited to get a test! She does in fact have a mild hearing loss. So there will be no tubes for now, unless she starts to keep fluid again. YEAH! They referred us to place that will do further testing and then hearing aids if they feel it is necessary. The only problem is that because of her age, they like to have two audiologist present and the earliest appointment is the END OF JULY! We're hoping for someone to cancel this week:) Will keep you posted though.
I spoke with our speech teacher and requested her to come weekly and she said depending on the loss, Aubrey might qualify to work with the Audiologist through ECI/school district as well even if she doesn't get the aids. We see her next week.
And to follow up a really busy week...Aubrey showed us a new trick...climbing up the ladder on the playset!
Monday we went for a check up on our orthotics. He said they look great and that the Robeez were a fine shoe. He just wants her in a shoe that prevents slipping. The orthotics provide all the support she needs. ( I have been all over town looking for SHOES for her and come up empty. The closest that I got was Robeez minis, but thought that the Robeez 1st Stepz might work too--Also Itzy Bitzy...which is what she was wearing in a ZERO...would likely work in a 2 or 3 and not be so heavy like real tennis shoes) It will be interesting to see our PT this week who had wanted her to be wearing real shoes by now.
Wednesday morning we were all to the dentist. He is impressed how much she loves brushing her teeth and she sat mostly patient in her stroller while the four of us had our cleanings. Ella told Aubrey that she needs to have more teeth to clean before she can sit in the moving chair and get a prize! I agree:)
In the afternoon, she had her follow up at the ENT. They were speechless over the fact that her ears were completely clear of fluid!!! They just couldn't believe it! So back to the booth for a good hearing test. I couldn't have been more excited to get a test! She does in fact have a mild hearing loss. So there will be no tubes for now, unless she starts to keep fluid again. YEAH! They referred us to place that will do further testing and then hearing aids if they feel it is necessary. The only problem is that because of her age, they like to have two audiologist present and the earliest appointment is the END OF JULY! We're hoping for someone to cancel this week:) Will keep you posted though.
I spoke with our speech teacher and requested her to come weekly and she said depending on the loss, Aubrey might qualify to work with the Audiologist through ECI/school district as well even if she doesn't get the aids. We see her next week.
And to follow up a really busy week...Aubrey showed us a new trick...climbing up the ladder on the playset!
She actually got all the way to the third step before I pulled her off!
"No more unsupervised play time for you missy!"
We love you, you little monkey!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Still here:)
Yes we are still here! It was one of those crazy weeks, with school ending and field trips and appointments and a shortened week. This will maybe help you...Aubrey is still a two-a-day-napper...she had ONE nap at home in her bed last week...INCLUDING the weekend! One day she was either in her carseat, a stroller, or grocery cart almost all day! But we are chilling now that summer is here and hope to get caught up on our blog and play time!
We spent the Memorial Day weekend at this beautiful camp, about 1.5 hours east of Dallas. We haven't camped with Aubrey yet, so it was a little tighter in the camper, but we spent most of the time in the lake anyway.
This was the view from our campsite (other directions was the bathroom:) But I loved looking out the camper window to this every morning and despite my fears, it was nice to be so close to the lake.

Yup, we all slept in here! Parents on one side, 3 kids sideways on the other and the crib went right in between
The lake and the dock were wonderful! We spent 90% of our time down here.

Aubrey was just content to just be in the water! She is a natural water baby and she really did smile like that the entire time she was in there...except when she was trying to drink the water!

We spent the Memorial Day weekend at this beautiful camp, about 1.5 hours east of Dallas. We haven't camped with Aubrey yet, so it was a little tighter in the camper, but we spent most of the time in the lake anyway.
This was the view from our campsite (other directions was the bathroom:) But I loved looking out the camper window to this every morning and despite my fears, it was nice to be so close to the lake.
Aubrey was ever so patient while we set up the campsite. As you can see, not a lot of good grass to sit in! So the stroller it was!

Yup, we all slept in here! Parents on one side, 3 kids sideways on the other and the crib went right in between
The lake and the dock were wonderful! We spent 90% of our time down here.
And they were all brave enough to go down the water slide...

And they all jumped off the 12' dock! (I didn't catch Alice when she was doing it, but she did it too)

Aubrey was just content to just be in the water! She is a natural water baby and she really did smile like that the entire time she was in there...except when she was trying to drink the water!
The sand volleyball court was perfect for making castles.
And then it was back into the lake for more fun and games!

There is just something about a sticky baby all covered up in that coconut smelling sun screen!
And you aren't really camping unless every night you share marshmallows or something around the campfire!

And we had such great fun with our friends.
And all too soon it was time to go...
(the little lizard tongue thing is new:)
Woody snapped this shot of us both sticking our tongues out:)
Until next time...
I just love the views from the dock!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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