Thursday, October 13, 2011


I'm sure that every mother thinks that their child is the most beautiful...I'm no different!  Tonight I was flipping through folders of pictures looking for one that would inspire me to write....and about Down syndrome.  I came up with a blank.  Every picture was of her doing something normal and typical and nothing that said, "I have Down syndrome".  They were just beautiful snipits of our everyday life.

Down syndrome is a third copy of the 21st chromosome.  Such a tiny part, to add so much to her.  Such a tiny part of our lives, yet still always there.
When she was first born, I would "look" for the Down syndrome...the almond eyes...they were the tell.  And I would look for it in my blog babies.  And it was always there....I could see it.
 NOW....I actually find myself "looking" really hard to see the almond eyes.  Cause when I look at this girl, all I see is love and beauty and happiness.  She is my joy and her laughter can light up a room!  And we count ourselves so blessed to be her family.


  1. Sweet, sweet, sweet!!! Prettiness is obviously found on the 21st chromosome, isn't it? She is so stinkin' cute!!!

  2. Rach, she is the most beautiful little girl ever!!

  3. Your daughters are absolutely beautiful. I always smile when I visit your blog!

    Life is sooo good, isn't it???
    Robbie, Piper's Nana


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